
OK, I really blew it with my SKF trade. I had two successful trades then let emotions kick in. Greed, pride, all the stuff that kills investors. The good news, I do know where I went wrong. I also successfully applied a CANSLIM day trading technique which worked and would have protected me had I followed the rules. Here’s a rundown on how it works:


1) Study a chart and get to know it daily price volume characteristics. I’ve used SKF. The financial’s are under pressure, it trades very violently, but followed a buy on weakness sell on strength pattern. So my strategy was to buy off of support then sell as it came through resistance. See my SKF chart.

2) Monitor market conditions. We continued to be correcting. Financials, housing, were leading the market down. Accumulation was picking up on the SKF and it was about to complete the right side of a cup formed from 3/17.

Things I missed. SKF started going parabolic on 7/11, and was up 11 out of the last 13 days. The NASDAQ tested support on 7/15. The Put/Call equity ratio was approaching 1. These signs indicated an SKF top and increased chances of a market turnaround.

So what, I had my biggest one day loss ever. No one is prone to losses, and I’m in good company. Best of all, I learned a valuable lesson which will equate to future profits. There was way more important things in life than money.